By using Harris County's Low Impact Development Regulations, ALJ Lindsey was able to provide six-figures worth of savings to their client!
The Problem: The site for the Member’s Choice Credit Union was small (1.007 acres) and required the inclusion of a significant amount of parking places. Additionally, the location had shallow outfall, so there was limited depth for water storage volumes and the developer didn’t want to add the additional cost of pumping the system.
The Solution: This project, permitted by Harris County, allowed a reduced detention rate of 0.35 acre-feet per acre when using Low Impact Development features vs. the traditional rate of 0.65 acre-feet per acre. Taking advantage of this reduced detention rate, ALJ Lindsey incorporated multiple LID practices of stormwater management. The initial LID approach for this project was to implement a unique biofilter feature for a stormwater quality, concrete permeable pavers and swales. By using the permeable pavers, ALJ Lindsey was able to eliminate 90% of the storm sewer pipes and inlets since the pavers would act as a storm sewer. Furthermore, by using Low Impact Development ALJ Lindsey received a reduction in detention volume by 30%, which in this scenario, equated to approximately 7,000cf of detention.
Through the use of LID practices, ALJ Lindsey was able to save the client on both detention, storm sewer prices, and prevented loss of land to a detention pond. Underground detention would have cost over $300,000, ALJ was able to complete this project using LID design, saving the client over $200,000 in detention costs!
Read more about this project and the benefits of LID practices here.
Tel. 281-301-5955
18635 N Eldridge Parkway, Suite 200, Tomball, Texas 77377